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It all started with a small wooden bearing.

Seismic Isolation

Here, the standards for earthquake intensity and building durability are described, along with the advantages of Oiles’ seismically isolated homes.

Estimated earthquake intensity and building durability

No matter how sturdy a house is built to withstand a natural disaster such as a major earthquake, in the event of an earthquake it will eventually shake violently at the same time as the ground, and everything inside will be destroyed. This includes broken windows, heavy furniture such as wardrobes and refrigerators falling over and causing serious and unexpected injuries, and delayed escape from a fire. In unfortunate situations, it can also lead to death. That is why we must take newer steps to deal with earthquakes when building homes.

Seismic isolation is the best countermeasure for earthquakes

The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of 1995 prompted us to seriously consider building safety to withstand earthquakes.

Many buildings and facilities collapsed, causing massive damage, but seismically isolated buildings that suffered no damage were highlighted as having been built using a “safe method of construction to withstand earthquakes.” Afterwards, this method of construction was rapidly used in apartment buildings, computer centers, and public facilities such as hospitals.

Now, seismic isolation of ordinary homes is beginning to garner attention.

From the Japan Society of Seismic Isolation (seismically isolated buildings that have been rated by the Building Center of Japan)

Strongly reinforce your home before losing everything in an earthquake.

We pay a lot for insurance because we worry about dying from an illness or accident.

However, we are surprisingly optimistic about the damage from a major earthquake that could endanger the lives of our loved ones and our homes. As one sees and hears about the devastation suffered by victims of earthquakes, one cannot help but feel the need to reconsider the question, “What is true safety?”

Seismic isolation is a reliable method of construction that can reduce home damage to zero.

Unlike insurance products that only take effect if something happens to the insured, seismic isolation is a “reliable method of construction” that can prevent earthquake damage to a home before it happens.

In addition, homes of the future will be important assets that will be passed on to the next generation for 50 or 100 years.

if you are considering home construction or renovation, we recommend seismic isolation to “isolate” your home from earthquakes.