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It all started with a small wooden bearing.

Approach to Sustainability & Materiality

With various global initiatives for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted at the United Nations Summit, companies are growing aware that achieving sustainability is an important management priority.
The Oiles Group positively and actively tackles sustainability issues based on the spirit of "serving society through technology," expressed in our corporate philosophy, to achieve development and create new corporate value for the Group.
We position our contribution to solving the sustainability issues exemplified by Environment, Society, and Governance as the mainstay of our corporate activities and promote various initiatives to do so.

Achieving sustainability depends upon fostering a corporate culture in which each and every employee views sustainability as a key value under the leadership of top management. The Sustainability Promotion Council, chaired by the president and attended by all directors, convenes twice a year to deliberate on important sustainability issues, such as the policy and status of ESG initiatives, including environmental efforts and diversity.
Established under the Sustainability Promotion Council is the Sustainability Committee, a working department chaired by the officer in charge of sustainability. Under the umbrella of the Sustainability Committee, we have established seven promotion sub-committees, which work toward resolving sustainability issues.

Key Sustainability Topics

The Oiles Group focuses on six key topics: 1. Enhanced Governance, 2. Responding to Consumer Issues, 3. Environmental Protection, 4. Respect for Human Rights and Appropriate Labor Practices, 5. Fair and Equitable Trade, and 6. Coexistence with Local Communities to promote sustainability activities. Through sincere and fair business activities based on our Management Philosophy, Long-Term Vision, and Oiles Group Corporate Conduct Charter, we work to put these key topics into practice as we fulfill our responsibilities as a company toward sustainability issues.

Major Issues (Materiality) for Sustainable Growth

In order to achieve the OILES 2030 VISION and the 2024-2026 Medium-Term Management Plan, the Oiles Group recognizes the importance of achieving sustainable growth as a company based on the further development of non-financial capital (including human capital, intellectual capital, natural capital). Accordingly, we have identified “major issues (materiality) for our sustainable growth.”
By enhancing our efforts to address materiality, the Oiles Group will help to address social issues, such as the SDGs, to achieve sustainable growth (increasing corporate value).

Reviewing Materiality from the Perspective of Sustainable Growth

Step 1: Identifying the social issues to be addressed
Based on sources that include international standards such as ISO 26000, major guidelines, ESG ratings, and international integration frameworks, we identified more than 50 social issues that companies are expected to address to achieve sustainable growth.

Step 2: Analyzing the importance to society and stakeholders (vertical axis assessment)
We assessed the level of importance of the issues identified above to society and stakeholders (vertical axis assessment) while referring to the assessment parameters of ESG assessment organizations and supplier survey items.

Step 3: Analyzing the level of importance to the management of the Oiles Group (horizontal axis assessment)
We added the issues identified above to the Long-Term Vision and assessed their importance to the management of the Oiles Group from the perspectives of both our new medium-term management plan and the implementation of each department's plans (horizontal axis assessment).

Step 4: Identifying major issues (materiality)
Using the materiality matrix based on the above vertical and horizontal axis assessments, the Sustainability Promotion Council, composed of management members, identified the major issues (materiality) necessary for the sustainable growth of the Oiles Group.

Major Issues (Materiality) for Sustainable Growth

Materiality Relevant SDGs Opportunity Risk Major initiatives
S: Society
Developing and providing advanced products and technologies that contribute to the resolution of social issues
Developing advanced products and technologies to satisfy and surpass customer needs
  • Strengthening competitiveness and enhancing corporate value as a market-creating company
  • Sustainable enhancement of corporate value by achieving sanpo-yoshi (good for three parties) for customers, society, and the Group
  • Decreased competitiveness as a company due to a weakened ability to innovate
  • Continue prioritizing the allocation of management resources (R&D expenses, personnel) to research and technology development
  • Significantly expand floorspace for technology and R&D by restructuring the Fujisawa Plant (constructing new plant building)
  • Promote the development of products and technology that contribute to solutions to climate change issues in areas such as EV readiness and renewable energy
Contributing to the evolution of the mobility society
Improving product quality
E: Environment
Environmental initiatives
Preventing global warming
(addressing climate change issues)
  • Increasing corporate value by providing products and technologies that help resolve climate change issues
  • Gaining stakeholder confidence through recognition of the company’s environmental responsiveness
  • Loss of profit opportunities if the company fails to develop and enhance products that address climate change issues
  • Possibility of losing credibility with customers, shareholders, and others if our CO2 emissions reductions are inadequate
  • Interruption to the Group’s production activities due to unprecedented natural disasters (especially wind and water damage)
  • Implement initiatives to achieve our environmental targets (reduce total domestic CO2 emissions by 46% from FY2013 levels by FY2030) on the path to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050
    ? Implementing full-scale solar power generation at the Fujisawa Plant and other initiatives
  • Promote the development of products and technology that contribute to solutions to climate change issues in areas such as EV readiness and renewable energy
Sustainable use of environmental resources
S: Society
Human resource measures
Human resource development
  • Gaining growth opportunities as a company by securing talented and diverse human resources who share the company’s vision
  • Increased corporate value achieved by improving employee engagement
  • Impact on continuity of employment due to the decline in the working-age population and increased competition in recruitment
  • Damage to corporate value due to penalties and criticism of inappropriate labor practices
  • Promote initiatives to diversify our workforce
    ? Improve our ratio of female employees, not only by setting targets for female managers, but also by setting targets for the hiring ratios of female new graduates
  • Establish an environment and culture for employees to grow together with the company and raise employee engagement
Diversity and inclusion
Respect for human rights and appropriate labor practices
G: Governance
Corporate governance
Strengthening governance in light of the market structural reform of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
  • Gaining trust from stakeholders by enhancing corporate governance
  • Achieving stable management through appropriate risk management and the establishment of a robust compliance system
  • Damage to corporate value due to inadequate corporate governance
  • Occurrence of scandals due to inadequate compliance
  • Enhance the effectiveness of our Board of Directors
    ? Increase the diversity of the Board of Directors and raise the ratio of independent outside directors (ratio of independent outside directors: one-third)
  • Improve how the Board of Directors and other management meetings operate based on questionnaires assessing the effectiveness of the Board of Directors
Solid compliance management
Risk management