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It all started with a small wooden bearing.

Our Customers’ Opinions

Here is a story from one of our customers living in a seismically isolated home.

I thought, “Oh, is that an earthquake?” It was a strange experience.

M, Town of Niseko, Hokkaido

The shaking was so gentle that I could not tell if an earthquake had struck or not.

The recent Tokachi earthquake has left a strong impression on me. I was asleep in my bedroom at the time, and I thought, “Oh, is that an earthquake?” I hardly felt any shaking at all. And then everything was quiet. I remember that I could only hear the faint splashing of the hot water in the bathtub. There was no creaking of the house or tremors as are typical of earthquakes.

There was also no violent shaking, and furniture and objects did not move... This was the first time I had this sort of experience with an earthquake. If I were to use a metaphor, I would say it was like "rocking on a water bed.” I eventually slept through the night, and I was surprised to learn on the news the next morning that a major earthquake had struck.

The Town of Niseko, Hokkaido is famous for its ski resorts and holiday homes. They have created a wonderful lifestyle here that combines nature and buildings.

The level of relief differs after you actually experience an earthquake [in a seismically isolated home]

Of course, a seismically isolated home only displays its true potential when an earthquake occurs. Seeing that not even a single teacup had broken during such an earthquake has given me complete confidence in this home. I can sleep soundly and forget about aftershocks. Having such a relaxed general mood is extremely important. Once again, I realized that a seismically isolated home greatly facilitates my lifestyle of living naturally and comfortably.

Twelve seismic isolators are mounted on a solid foundation. M’s experience tells us that the building absorbed the great shaking caused by the earthquake. An inspection of the condition of the foundation revealed no deformation or displacement at all, confirming that the seismic isolators had returned to their original position. There were no abnormalities in the flexible joint pipes.

The Tokachi earthquake

An earthquake off the coast of Kushiro struck eastern Hokkaido in the early morning of September 26, 2003. The earthquake had a magnitude of 8.0, and the seismic intensity in different areas ranged from 4 to close to 6. In terms of damages to homes, 59 collapsed completely, 82 partially collapsed, and 1,527 were partially damaged, for a total of 1,668 homes. The aftershock on the night of the 24th (intensity: 1) brought the total to 1 initial quake and 100 aftershocks.

*As of October 24, 2003, according to the Sapporo District Meteorological Observatory.